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Why Invest with AllianceBernstein?

AB is a leading global investment-management and research firm. We strive to anticipate the needs of a broad spectrum of clients worldwide and deliver a comprehensive range of investment solutions to meet them today, tomorrow and beyond.

$669 Bil.
Assets Under Management Globally1
50+ Years
Of Experience in Investment Management
Investment Professionals

1As of 30 September 2023


Our Solutions

Committed to Delivering Better Investment Outcomes

Digital Hub

Taking the Measure of Net Zero | AB IQ Webinar with Columbia University

Webinar by the Columbia Climate School and AB to discuss prominent topics for asset owners and investment managers as the world works to tackle Net Zero challenges.

The Book for 2024: A Preliminary Language for a Post-Global World
Capital Markets Outlook
AB IQ: A Deeper Look at Top-of-Mind Issues for Institutional Investors

Responsible Investing at AB

Serving our clients, employees, communities and future generations in a responsible way is our mission at AB. That pledge applies to our actions as a corporation and how we invest.

An icon of a professional holding a leaf in between their hands.
Responsible Investing

We integrate ESG, considering material ESG risks and opportunities throughout our responsible investment and research process, with our Responsibility team complementing investment teams’ research and engagement efforts. Clients can also choose a responsible investing solution that aims to achieve financial objectives with a dedicated ESG-focus.

An icon of a professional dropping a vote slip into a ballot box.
Proxy Voting & Governance

We vote proxies on behalf of our clients with the same commitment to rigorous research and engagement that we apply to our investment activities. We support strong corporate governance structures, shareholder rights and transparency. Our in-house global policy and shareholder values guide our voting decisions.

An icon of a group of hands raised in unison.
Modern Slavery

AB addresses material modern slavery risks to people associated with the operations and supply chains of companies we both partner with and invest in. We’ve created materials to support our clients and consultants in reducing these risks to portfolios and in helping to combat modern slavery.

*We integrate material ESG factors into most of AB’s actively managed strategies.

All Distributor reporting, or queries relating to TMDs, should be directed to Client Services on Please see the specific fund page for links to the fund’s TMD.