18 Years at AB|18 Years of Experience
Fahd Malik is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager on the Fixed Income team, responsible for Income Strategies. His focus is on creating portfolios that utilize a multi-sector approach to generate efficient income. Prior to taking on this role, Malik served as a portfolio manager for AB’s Absolute Return fund. He joined the firm in 2006 and has extensive experience in systematic, market-neutral, risk-mitigating and derivative strategies. Malik holds a BS in electrical and computer engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art and an MS in mathematics in finance from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Location: New York
The evolving high-yield markets make the case for a global, multi-sector approach to generating income.
Gershon Distenfeld, Fahd Malik, Monika Carlson | 03 February 2025Investors may find better opportunities when they apply a wider lens.
Monika Carlson, Fahd Malik | 17 January 2025Investors in US fixed-income markets may want to strike while the iron is hot.
Gershon Distenfeld, Fahd Malik, Monika Carlson | 25 November 2024Multi-asset strategies must adapt to a promising—but changeable—environment for generating income.
Karen Watkin, Fahd Malik, Edward Williams | 07 August 2024What does an era of higher equilibrium inflation mean for yields, volatility and active bond investing?
Scott DiMaggio, Fahd Malik | 21 March 2024Many investors limit their mandates to credits rated BBB or higher. But they could tap high-quality high yield—without adding to overall risk.
Fahd Malik, Will Smith, Gershon Distenfeld | 02 February 20242019 may be a challenging year for high-income investors. That makes it more important than ever to embrace a global approach and to focus on quality. Oh, and don't fret too much about rising rates.
Will Smith, Fahd Malik | 08 January 2019This information is for exclusive use of the wholesale person to whom it is provided and is not to be relied upon by any other person. It is not intended for retail or public use and may not be further distributed without prior written consent of ABAL.
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