The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations, and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams and are subject to change over time.
The Norway website is not available. You will be redirected to the Luxembourg website which contains funds approved for marketing in Luxembourg, and where several of these funds are not registered for marketing in Norway.
Norges nettside er ikke tilgjengelig. Du vil bli omdirigert til Luxembourg-nettstedet som inneholder midler godkjent for markedsføring i Luxembourg, og hvor flere av disse fondene ikke er registrert for markedsføring i Norge.
Current analysis for illustrative purposes only.
*NOI = net operating income
The case study presented describes a potential investment and there is no guarantee of any future investment, investment result, or return. This study is shown to demonstrate how declining asset values affect commercial real estate debt and equity differently. For each scenario, the exercise assumes a 50-basis point increase in the cap rate and the resulting impairment on asset valuations across the capital stack. Assumptions: Debt costs of 7.3% per annum (530 bps Secured Overnight Financing Rate + 200 bps margin). Any shortfall in cash flow to service interest payments is added to the debt balance. Free cash flow is used to pay down debt until initial face value of the loan is reached again and thereafter distributed. Full recovery is defined as an equity multiple of 1.0x. There can be no assurances that any case study will materialize as described herein.
As of January 31, 2024
Source: AllianceBernstein (AB)
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations, and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams and are subject to change over time.
Clark Coffee is the Chief Investment Officer and Head of European Commercial Real Estate Debt. His previous business, Lacarne Capital, was acquired by AB in 2020 to establish the firm’s real estate debt business in Europe. Previously, Coffee was head of Tyndaris Real Estate, where he was responsible for building the business into a top-10 real estate debt fund in Europe. Prior to that, he co-headed origination for Deutsche Bank’s European commercial real estate credit business and oversaw the risk management and restructuring of more than €2 billion of troubled loans during the global financial crisis. Coffee holds a BA in economics from Lake Forest College and an MBA from the University of Michigan. Location: London/Frankfurt
Peter J. Gordon is Head and Chief Investment Officer of the US Commercial Real Estate Debt (US-CRED) team. US-CRED oversees nearly $12 billion in committed capital from insurance companies, pension funds and banks, across four vintage closed-end funds and various other institutional mandates. Previously, he was managing director of Commercial Real Estate Debt. Prior to joining the firm in 2016, Gordon served as managing director and head of commercial real estate (CRE) whole loan originations at Angelo, Gordon & Co., a global alternative investment-management firm, where he led the CRE whole loan team, responsible for sourcing, pricing, financing and structuring transactions, as well as managing assets in the investment portfolio. Prior to that, he was a senior member of the real estate finance and investment banking groups at both Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, where he was involved in all aspects of commercial real estate lending, from originations for balance sheet and commercial mortgage-backed securities to loan structuring, syndication and securitization. Gordon has been working in the commercial real estate space since 2001, including four years in construction management. He holds a BS in mathematics from the University of St. Andrews and an MBA from Columbia University. Location: New York
Investors who paint commercial real estate with a broad brush may be missing out, particularly at this point in the cycle.
Clark Coffee, Peter Gordon | 22 February 2024Many investors limit their mandates to credits rated BBB or higher. But they could tap high-quality high yield—without adding to overall risk.
Fahd Malik, Will Smith, Gershon Distenfeld | 02 February 2024As European inflation rates converge with targets, markets expect rate cuts. But central banks are set on a decisive victory over inflation.
Sandra Rhouma | 17 January 2024This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. Société à responsabilité limitée, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 34 305, 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg. Authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of investments in any of the Funds can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
This information is directed at Professional Clients only and is not intended for public use.