Alternatives at AB

A committed partnership culture, a versatile cross-asset platform of distinctive alternatives strategies and big-firm strength—to deliver, differently, for every investor.

We Deliver, Differently

AB’s alternative investment solutions are an expansive platform within the firm—one of the world’s largest asset managers.

  • 170 | Alternative Investment Professionals
  • $59 Billion | Alternatives AUM1
  • 35+ Years | Managing Alternative Investments

1As of March 31, 2024

Partnership Culture

Our alternatives teams are committed to a candid, insight-rich and constructive process focused intently on client outcomes. For over 35 years, AB’s collaborative, selfless culture has taken partnership to a different level—with clients and across our investment teams. We’re always on task delivering—no matter the noise.

Versatile Platform

AB’s versatile alternatives platform is built for investment reality and long-term relationships, because markets evolve and objectives change. Our unique spectrum of sophisticated, distinctive strategies—hedge-fund solutions and private alternatives—are designed to deliver differently…and solve for a continuous stream of new challenges.

Big-Firm Experience

The integrity and operational performance of AB’s alternatives solutions stand on the firm’s global scale, financial stability and quiet strength at every stage of the investment lifecycle. As one of the world’s largest asset managers, with decades of experience, we’ll continue delivering alternatives differently for clients ranging from individual investors to the most sophisticated institutions.

Alternatives Now

Opportunities for Alternative Income Within Private Credit

Banks are retreating from many forms of lending, creating a tidal wave of opportunities for private credit investors. Learn why partnering with an experienced manager is essential for capturing this unique opportunity.  

Private Alternatives

AB’s versatile private alternatives platform is built to serve long-term relationships as markets evolve and objectives change. Our sophisticated, credit-focused strategies and independent manager structure offer choice, differentiated sourcing and decision-making.

Learn More

Hedge Fund Solutions

AB’s Hedge Fund Solutions leverages the global strength of AB in sourcing best-in-class managers. Developing proprietary quantitative tools and applying advanced AI-driven analytics, the managers offer public-market investors a suite of style-specific liquid portfolios built to capitalize on idiosyncratic return streams.


Alternatives That Deliver for Every Investor



  • Global infrastructure support spanning operations, trading, legal and compliance, and risk management
  • Independent manager structure that offers differentiated sourcing and decentralized decision-making
  • Expertise to support complex reporting and regulatory requirements

Retirement/Defined Contribution

  • Partnering with the largest and most sophisticated DC plans—and over 1.5 million participants
  • Size, strength and operational safeguards that typical boutique managers can’t match
  • One of the broadest suites of differentiated, non-correlated return streams and research engines across public and private alternatives
  • In-market presence worldwide: 70 DC experts, 26 countries, 51 cities and jurisdictions
  • PRI signatory since 2011


  • Customized approach to insurance-sensitive challenges such as risk mitigation and liquidity management
  • Deep knowledge of analytical constraints, regulatory requirements and accounting
  • Committed to better outcomes through active ESG integration

Alternatives Insights


We Deliver, Differently—to Make a Difference for You

AB’s distinctive hedge-fund and private-market alternatives offer novel ways to achieve income, absolute return or opportunistic goals through accessible structures suited to institutions, wealth advisors and individual investors.

Alternative investments involve a high degree of risk and are designed for investors who understand and are willing to accept these risks

There can be no assurance that any alternative investment strategy will achieve its investment objectives. A more detailed discussion of risk factors can be found in the applicable offering document(s), which you should read carefully before you decide to invest.

For use by Professional Clients only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.

1 AUM as of March 31, 2024. AUM includes leverage where applicable and is comprised of fee-earning AUM and fee-eligible AUM. Fee-earning AUM includes those assets currently qualified to generate management fees. Fee-eligible AUM includes committed capital that is currently uncalled or recallable. The figure is preliminary. 2) Total AUM also includes AB Energy Opportunities, which is not shown in the pie chart. All dollar figures refer to US Dollars. Total may not sum due to rounding. When AB reports its AUM publicly it excludes levered capital and does not include uncalled capital commitments. The above AUM figures only represent AB’s Private Alternative strategies and not its Hedge Fund or FOF business.