The Home of DC Solutions

Where we care as much about the unique needs of members, as you do.

Featured Insights

Grasping the Private Markets Opportunity
Accessing Private Credit for UK Defined Contribution Savers
Historically, UK DC pension plans have struggled to invest in private markets. But today, new investing approaches can enable DC savers to access the return potential of markets such as private credit.
Research Agenda 2024
Driving Ongoing Innovation in the AB UK Target Date Funds
Every year AB’s DC team set out their research priorities for the coming 12 months. The research findings pave the way for enhancements to our DC TDF ranges across investments, product development and client reporting. What’s new for 2024?
Henry Smith | 16 April 2024
Lessons Learnt: Designing Whole of Life DC TDFs Based on Drawdown Fund Experience
UK DC default investment solutions need to change. We think members' default fund journey should in future extend from their accumulation phase through their decumulation phase. What design changes does that entail in practical terms?
Henry Smith | 28 July 2023

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