The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
As of April 29, 2022
*Based on weekly returns for six stocks—Alphabet Inc. (Google), Amazon.com, Apple, Meta Platforms (Facebook), Microsoft and Netflix—using closing share prices for Friday each week. Weekly return dispersion calculated using the covariance Excel function (VAR.B), to which a trailing three-month rolling average was applied
Source: Bloomberg, S&P and AllianceBernstein (AB)
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
References to specific securities are presented to illustrate the application of our investment philosophy only and are not to be considered recommendations by AB. The specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended for the portfolio, and it should not be assumed that investments in the securities identified were or will be profitable.
James T. Tierney, Jr. is Chief Investment Officer of Concentrated US Growth. Prior to joining AB in December 2013, he was CIO at W.P. Stewart & Co. Tierney began his career in 1988 in equity research at J.P. Morgan Investment Management, where he analyzed entertainment, healthcare and finance companies. He left J.P. Morgan in 1990 to pursue an MBA and returned in 1992 as a senior analyst covering energy, transportation, media and entertainment. Tierney joined W.P. Stewart in 2000. He holds a BS in finance from Providence College and an MBA from Columbia Business School at Columbia University. Location: New York
Michael Walker is a Portfolio Manager/Senior Research Analyst for Concentrated Growth. Prior to joining AB in December 2013, he was a portfolio manager/analyst on the US equity research and portfolio-management team at WPS Advisors. Prior to that, Walker was the technology sector analyst for the large-cap growth fund at Ark Asset Management. He had previously spent nine years as a senior research analyst covering the IT hardware and electronics supply chain sectors, first at Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette and then at Credit Suisse First Boston. In 2006, Walker was ranked the top analyst in his sector in the Institutional Investor All-America Research Team survey, after having ranked third in 2004 and 2005. He began his career as an IT consultant with Deloitte Consulting. Walker holds a BS in economics (magna cum laude) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Location: New York
Seguir una estrategia defensiva en renta variable puede ayudar a prepararse para la volatilidad del mercado en un año de mayor incertidumbre.
Kent Hargis | 03 febrero 2025La incertidumbre política y la volatilidad favorecen un entorno fértil paraque los inversores encuentren empresas capaces de prosperar en la nueva era
Nelson Yu | 03 enero 2025Volatilidad sostenida, descenso de los yields y otras previsiones para 2025, más siete estrategias para sacar partido a todo lo anterior.
Scott DiMaggio | 02 enero 2025Esto es una comunicación publicitaria. Esta información es facilitada por AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. Société à responsabilité limitée, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 34 305, 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxemburgo, una sociedad autorizada en Luxemburgo y regulada por la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Se facilita con fines únicamente informativos y no constituye un asesoramiento de inversión o una invitación para adquirir valores u otras inversiones. Las perspectivas y opiniones manifestadas se basan en nuestras previsiones internas y no deben tomarse como una indicación del comportamiento futuro del mercado. El valor de las inversiones en los Fondos puede variar y los inversores podrían no recuperar todo el dinero invertido. La rentabilidad histórica no garantiza los resultados futuros.
Esta información es exclusiva para clientes profesionales y no está destinada para uso público.