Some of the principal risks of investing in the Portfolio include derivatives risk, emerging/frontier markets risk, equity securities risk, small/mid-cap equities risk, currency risk, convertible securities risk, hedging risk, leverage risk and securities lending risk.
A full explanation of the risks is provided in the Portfolio’s Prospectus.
The Portfolio is meant as a vehicle for diversification and does not represent a complete investment program. Prospective investors should read the Prospectus, which includes Sustainability-Related Disclosures, and discuss risks and the Portfolio’s fees and charges with their financial advisor to determine if the investment is appropriate for them.
The AB Low Volatility Equity Portfolio is a sub-fund of AB SICAV I, an open-ended investment company with variable capital (société d’investissement à capital variable) incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The sale of AB funds may be restricted or subject to adverse tax consequences in certain jurisdictions. This information is directed solely at persons in jurisdictions where the funds and relevant share class are registered or at those who may otherwise lawfully receive it. Before investing, investors should review the Fund’s full Prospectus, together with the Fund’s KIID or KID and the most recent financial statements. Copies of these documents, including the latest annual report and, if issued thereafter, the latest semiannual report, may be obtained free of charge from AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. by visiting or, or in printed form by contacting the local distributor in the jurisdictions in which the funds are authorised for distribution.