Responsible Investing:

Our Commitment


Responsibility Requires More Than Words

Our vision is to deliver better outcomes for our clients through rigorous responsible investing research, integration, stewardship and solutions.

AB employees are working to create a dynamic, diverse, inclusive and intellectually challenging environment. By bringing out the best in our people, we aim to help advance the many communities we serve.

Meetings with company management teams in 2023*
US $528
Billion in assets managed using ESG integration^
* Includes economic meetings with sovereign issuers, as of 31 December 2023.
^ As of 31 March 2024. Assets using ESG integration include active fixed income, equities, multi-asset and alternative strategies. Portfolios with Purpose are included in the integration total.

Responsibility Throughout AB

To implement our responsibility strategy and measure its progress, we’ve created a structure that reflects our firm wide commitment to responsibility, from the Responsibility Steering Committee to ESG analysts and investors as well as the infrastructure that supports them.

People Driving AB’s Responsibility Strategy

Our teams help drive and guide our firm-wide efforts in advancing AB’s corporate responsibility practices and polices, implementing strategy and providing clients with responsible solutions and communication that meet their needs.

Responsibility Team

The team develops our firmwide approach to responsibility and collaborates with investors.

Responsibility Steering Committee

The committee of experts, from across the spectrum of asset management disciplines and shapes our approach.

Proxy Voting and Governance Committee

The committee has formal oversight of our proxy voting process, establishing our policy and overseeing voting activities.

Team Members

As of 31 March 2024

Team Members
Team Members

Social Responsibility

Diverse and inclusive teams can generate better ideas and reach more balanced decisions. That’s why we seek to leverage the backgrounds of our employees to meet the needs of a broad range of clients and to best engage the communities in which we operate.

Building a Diverse Culture

We’re striving to cultivate a more diverse, inclusive workplace for everyone. All of our people should feel challenged, empowered and excited about building a career at AB.

Engaging Employees
An engaged and well workforce drives us forward. To strengthen the fabric of our firm, we encourage employees to celebrate what brings them together and what makes them unique.
Serving Our Communities
Responsibility to something bigger than ourselves: it’s the very meaning of community. Our firm and our people are striving to make a positive social impact through action.

History of Our Commitment

  • Became Member of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Forum
  • Joined the Access to Medicine Foundation as Signatory Investor 
  • Joined the World Benchmarking Alliance as Investor Ally
  • Became Member of Sustainable Trading
  • Joined The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
  • Joined the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds Initiative
  • Joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative
  • Joined the Forum of Investors—Japan
  • Joined the TCFD Consortium in Japan
  • Joined the Japanese Stewardship Initiative
  • Joined the Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking—APAC
  • Joined Ceres
  • Became Founding Member of the Corporate Affiliate Program at the Columbia Climate School
  • Became Member of Emerging Markets Investors Alliance
  • Accepted as a Signatory to the UK Stewardship Code
  • Joined the AIGCC and ACGA
  • Became Boston College Center for Corporate Responsibility Supporting Member
  • Became Eurosif Transparency Code Signatory
  • Became FAIRR Member
  • Became Investor Stewardship Group Principles Signatory
  • Joined Investor Group on Climate Change
  • Started climate change and investing initiative with the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York
  • Became Associate Member of LuxFlag
  • Joined ICI Global ESG Task Force
  • Joined ICI Proxy Committee
  • Joined ICGN Board Governance Committee
  • Became TCFD Supporter
  • Became engagement colead for Climate Action 100+
  • Became committee member of Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong’s Public Shareholders Group
  • Published Engagement Policy
  • Became CII Corporate Governance Advisory Council Member
  • Joined Climate Bonds Initiative
  • Joined Catalytic Finance Initiative
  • Joined Climate Disclosure Project
  • Published formal response to Japan Stewardship Code
  • Chaired AN/Securities/IB Working Group PFA21
  • Joined International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
  • Released Statement on Controversial Weapons
  • Became Japan PFA213 signatory
  • Became PRI signatory
  • Published formal response to UK Stewardship Code1
  • Joined Council of Institutional Investors (CII)

Source: AB as of 31 December 2023


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Principles for Responsible Investment

AB has invested responsibly for many years. We became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2011. This formalized our approach to identify responsible ways to unlock opportunities for our clients through ESG integration in most of our actively managed client accounts, funds and strategies.

Principles were developed by investors, for investors. We’re committed to implementing six principles as we continue to work towards our responsible investing efforts.


AB is committed to being transparent and our RI Policies and Statements, Reports and Global Related Proxy and Governance Information can all be found on our Corporate website.

Data Disclosures giving a comprehensive breakdown of corporate performance, data and reporting disclosures can also be found on our Corporate website.