20 Years at AB|30 Years of Experience
Richard A. Brink is a Senior Vice President and Market Strategist in the Client Group. Previously, he served as a managing director in the Alternatives and Multi-Asset Group. Prior to that role, Brink was a senior portfolio manager in Fixed Income, and before that an investment director for fixed-income investments within the Global Retail Investments Group. Before joining AB in 2004, he was senior product manager at the Dreyfus Corporation, covering both retail and institutional fixed-income offerings. Brink was previously a senior trainer, dealing primarily with the design and delivery of product training to financial advisors and mutual fund sales representatives. He holds a BS in applied mathematics and economics from Stony Brook University, and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
In 2025, active investors can find opportunities amidst upcoming policy changes and the evolving macro landscape. With healthy bond yields and potential beyond the dominant leaders of the US equity market, the journey ahead promises to be anything but smooth. However, disruption often paves the way for strategic maneuvering.
Richard Brink | 30 January 2025We take a closer look at the implications of a polarized US electorate on the macro and market landscape.
Richard Brink | 18 October 2024In our upcoming AB Disruptor Series webcast, we’ll explore the changing dynamics of US elections and the potential implications for markets and investing.
Richard Brink | 13 September 2024The potential for deglobalization and the reversal of other secular trends is likely to squeeze returns, requiring investors to take a fresh look at portfolio design.
Richard Brink, Inigo Fraser-Jenkins | 19 July 2022Even if this US election has a bigger impact on markets than in the past, we would advise against building an investing strategy based on a potential political outcome for several reasons.
Richard Brink, Walt Czaicki | 19 October 2020These are tricky days for the global economy. As growth downshifts and corporate earnings weaken, some investors are dusting off playbooks for late-cycle investing. That makes sense, but there are a few twists to today's market conditions that may require new responses.
Richard Brink, Walt Czaicki | 17 April 2019This information is for exclusive use of the wholesale person to whom it is provided and is not to be relied upon by any other person. It is not intended for retail or public use and may not be further distributed without prior written consent of ABAL.
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