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About Us


Who We Are

At AllianceBernstein (AB), we're fully invested in delivering better outcomes. Whether you're a global institution, financial advisor or high-net-worth individual we're committed to being your most valued partner.

We foster a diverse, connected, collaborative culture that encourages different ways of thinking and differentiated insights. We embrace innovation to address increasingly complex investing challenges And we pursue responsibility at all levels of the firm—from how we work and act to the solutions we design for clients. 

Fully Invested in Better Outcomes

Our Team

If you have any questions about our investment solutions, please contact us. 

Jeremy Browne

Managing Director
Australia Client Group
(02)9255 1230

Christina Manonian
Managing Director
Asia Pacific Consultant Relations
(03) 8630 2227

Contact Us

We work with clients to help them define and achieve their objectives. As markets and needs have evolved, we have too, providing global perspectives, independent research and investment discipline. Every client—everywhere—can benefit by accessing our firm’s full resources. Contact us to learn more.

Sydney / Australia Institutions

Level 32, Aurora Place
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000

+61 02 9255 1200