For illustrative purposes only. Amount of focused engagements may vary and may change without notice.
*Based on the S&P/ASX 300 Index.
Source: AB
Since its inception in 2014, the AB Managed Volatility Equities investment strategy, on which the MVE—Carbon Offset Class is based, has had, on average, 25% of the emissions of the index associated with the portfolio’s holdings.*
Combining a naturally low carbon footprint with a commitment to further reduce the emissions of its portfolio holdings through engagement, the MVE—Carbon Offset Class has the potential to be a carbon-neutral portfolio.
*Average carbon gas emissions for AB Managed Volatility Equities relative to S&P/ASX 200, as of March 31, 2018
The MVE—Carbon Offset Class’ downside protection objective makes it possible to seek equity market–like returns with less risk, by forgoing some upside when markets rise, and reducing the downside when markets fall.
By assigning an explicit cost to carbon and engaging with companies on the cost of their carbon emissions, we can send a message to corporations on climate risk and potentially encourage them to adopt more climate-friendly behaviour.
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