Painting a Fuller Picture: A Framework for Comparing Lifetime Income Solutions

05 April 2024
3 min read

It can be a tall task to compare diverse lifetime income solutions. Applying a comprehensive framework may enable a level playing field.

The distinctions among lifetime income solutions are wide-ranging—from cash-flow patterns to investment exposures, and from explicit fees to hidden implicit costs. The differences are multi-faceted, which may make them hard to quantify using common frameworks for analyzing investment solutions. In our view, using traditional metrics risks painting an incomplete picture of lifetime income solutions. 

This partial picture could lead defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors to reach a less-than-optimal decision when selecting a lifetime income solution to meet their plan’s needs. We think there’s a better, more complete way to stack different approaches up against each other, which is vital when making such a critical decision. 

Developing a Comprehensive Framework

A holistic framework may paint a fuller picture, enabling DC plan sponsors to better compare lifetime income solutions (Display). It should consider all key factors that could impact participant outcomes. And—as with any sound framework—we think it should be rooted in core principles: 

Evaluating Income Solutions for Individuals
Key Issues Impacting Individual Participants Must Be Addressed
A table showing key issues and considerations required in assessing lifetime-income solutions.

Factors in bold are crucial factors that may often be overlooked in the evaluation of DC income solutions.
As of March 31, 2024
Source: AllianceBernstein (AB)

Depending on the specific design of insurance solutions, the implicit costs may be sizable, which could make total cost quite a bit higher than explicit fees alone. In order to convert implicit costs into measurable ones, we believe that an evaluation must consider the potential range of outcomes an individual may face. That requires projecting a range of potential lifespans and market experiences.

Looking at the Big Picture

It’s well-known that lifetime income is high on DC plan participants’ wish lists, and that they need help securing it. Thankfully, a broad array of solutions are available to help them secure that income. However, solutions don’t all come from the same mold—whether it’s different cash-flow patterns, investment exposures or other aspects. 

To select the solution that makes the most sense for a specific plan, we feel that comparing them on a level playing field is important. Because the differences are multi-faceted, we believe a comprehensive framework is needed—one that focuses on the individual, looks at all key participant risks, evaluates needs beyond income and measures total insurance cost. As we see it, such a framework can be a powerful tool. 

The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.

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