Past performance and current analysis do not guarantee future results.
Left display as of December 31, 2021; earnings per share based on actual earnings for 2017–2020 and estimated full-year earnings for 2021 and 2022
Middle and right displays as of September 30, 2021; based on the previous 12-month period
Japan represented by MSCI Japan, Europe by MSCI Europe, Emerging Markets by MSCI Emerging Markets and US by S&P 500
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, S&P and AllianceBernstein (AB)
Past performance and current analysis do not guarantee future results.
As of December 31, 2021
*Excludes the five largest index weights: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google) and Tesla. For Amazon, free cash flow is based on December 2020 data, as the December 2021 data are negative.
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, FTSE Russell, S&P, Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S and AllianceBernstein (AB)
Current analysis does not guarantee future results.
As of October 29, 2021
Source: Goldman Sachs, S&P Compustat and AllianceBernstein (AB)
Historical analysis and current forecasts do not guarantee future results.
Source: Bloomberg and AllianceBernstein (AB)
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
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Prior to joining AB in 2013, James T. Tierney, Jr. was CIO at W.P. Stewart & Co. From the beginning of his career at J.P. Morgan Investment Management to his current role as CIO of Concentrated US Growth, quality and “sky-high conviction” characterize his investment strategy.
Tierney and his team prioritize deep research, mining not only proprietary technology but “walking the factory floor.” Working with a select group of companies means that his team gains a thorough knowledge of the culture, the physical space—from the parking lot to the break room—and especially the management teams they select for the portfolio. Tierney focuses on secular growth companies: the companies that are being driven by long-term trends that will drive growth well above the overall economy.
This crucial differentiator helps build high-conviction, “sleep at night” investments.
“These are high-quality growth businesses,” Tierney says of the companies in his portfolio. “We are not worried.”
Kurt Feuerman joined AB in 2011 from Caxton Associates, where he was a senior managing director and senior trader for 12 years. Prior to that, he was a managing director for nine years at Morgan Stanley, where his responsibilities included managing part of the firm's US equity business.
Flexibility, quality and always thinking about the downside characterize Feuerman's investment approach. It's a long-term view that prioritizes strong returns in tougher markets. “We don't like to lose money,” Feuerman says. “And we're not wedded to one philosophy or one part of the market.”
The challenge, complexity and the access to the senior most people running America's companies drives Feuerman. AB's scale allows for this constructivist approach. “It's incredible that I get to do this,” he says. “It's humbling.”