A Combination of High Yield* and Equities† Has Historically Improved Risk-Adjusted Returns
As of December 31, 2018.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. There can be no assurance that an actual portfolio based on the hypothetical portfolio underlying the above illustration could be created or, if created, that it would achieve the results implied above or be profitable.
Diversification does not illuminate risk of loss.
*Based upon a hypothetical portfolio; accordingly, such performance is not based upon historical performance of any investment portfolio. This illustration is not intended to provide either a complete analysis regarding any or all of the variables that could affect any particular portfolio. High-yield is represented by Bloomberg Barclays US corporate high-yield.
†Equities is represented by S&P 500 index. All indices cited hearing are used for purposes of comparison purposes only. An investor generally cannot invest directly in an index, and its performance does not reflect the performance of any AB portfolio.
Source: Bloomberg Barclays, S&P and AllianceBernstein (AB)
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
Gershon M. Distenfeld thrives on facing challenge, solving problems and putting people with different personalities and different viewpoints together to "make the engine run." When he joined AB in 1998 from a role as an operations analyst at Lehman Brothers, Distenfeld had long been fascinated by the high-yield market, and he led that practice at AB from 2006 to 2016 before assuming responsibility for all of credit. He has been co-head of fixed income since 2018.
In an industry that tends to focus on the short term, Distenfeld's investment philosophy takes the long view, considers a range of outcomes and focuses on the downside. This approach puts process and constant innovation at the forefront, making full use of AB's proprietary technology to mine the insights of fundamental and quantitative research.
"We're constantly reinventing ourselves," Distenfeld says. "We don't just sit still. We adapt to new information so we can find new factors that work."
Distenfeld's eye toward the long view extends to his charitable work with organizations like New Jersey NCSY. This youth organization for disaster relief partners with Habitat for Humanity and NECHAMA to repair homes and lives affected by natural disasters.
Will Smith is Director of US High Yield Credit. He is also a member of the High Income, Global High Yield, Limited Duration High Income, Short Duration High Yield and European High Yield portfolio-management teams. Smith designed and is one of the lead portfolio managers for AB’s Multi-Sector Credit Strategy, which invests across investment-grade and high-yield credit sectors globally.
A disciplined process that focuses on a variety of approaches—including quantitative, liquidity and macro models—to generate returns is key to Smith’s investment philosophy. This is an aggressive style within tight limits, one that emphasizes risk management and a longer investment horizon.
“Building better credit portfolios isn't just about humans doing deep research,” Smith says. “It’s focusing that research where and when other approaches won’t be as effective.”