The Norway website is not available. You will be redirected to the Luxembourg website which contains funds approved for marketing in Luxembourg, and where several of these funds are not registered for marketing in Norway.
Norges nettside er ikke tilgjengelig. Du vil bli omdirigert til Luxembourg-nettstedet som inneholder midler godkjent for markedsføring i Luxembourg, og hvor flere av disse fondene ikke er registrert for markedsføring i Norge.
16 Years at AB|23 Years of Experience
Meghan McNally is a Vice President on the Multi-Sector Insurance Portfolio Management team within AB's Fixed Income department. She joined the firm in 2015. McNally partners with the head of Insurance Portfolio Management in implementing strategies for insurers and oversees the day-to-day communication efforts between her team and insurance clients. She leads responsible investing initiatives and coordinates with insurers on matters related to ESG, including formulating policy, monitoring exposures and setting ESG-related goals. McNally is also a key contributor to AB's thought pieces on topics affecting the insurance asset management industry. Prior to being promoted into her current role, she was an associate portfolio manager managing the day-to-day activities for insurance portfolios. Previously, she was an associate at GE Capital Healthcare Financial Services, focusing on underwriting and portfolio management of middle market loans. McNally started her career at GE Capital in a two-year risk management leadership program. She holds a BS in business administration from Bucknell University. Location: New York
As US insurance investors turn their eyes toward 2024, they’ll face a macroeconomic backdrop in transition. With this in mind, their efforts should include maintaining duration positioning, diversifying risks, emphasizing quality as credit conditions begin to soften, identifying relative value opportunities and balancing private allocations with liquidity considerations.
Gary Zhu, Meghan McNally, Deanna Leighton | 13 December 2023US insurance investors enter 2023 facing a less- than-stellar macro environment as well as looming regulatory change. There are opportunities, but it will take selectivity and flexibility to capitalize on them.
Gary Zhu, Deanna Leighton, Meghan McNally, Dmytro Mukhin | 09 March 2023This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. Société à responsabilité limitée, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 34 305, 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg. Authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of investments in any of the Funds can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
This information is directed at Professional Clients only and is not intended for public use.