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Arthur Lerner-Lam, PhD

Arthur Lerner-Lam, PhD

Deputy Director—Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory


Arthur Lerner-Lam is the Deputy Director of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, located in Palisades, New York. A seismologist, he has led scientific expeditions in the Middle East, Europe, Central and South Asia, the Southwest Pacific and throughout the United States. Over the last 20 years, he has lectured and written widely on natural-hazard risk identification, assessment and management. At Columbia, Lerner-Lam directs the graduate programs in sustainability science and environmental science and policy. These programs provide a broad and quantitative understanding of the environment, including Earth's climate, and foster critical thinking about the public policies and private-sector management principles needed for resiliency and sustainability. With colleagues in political science, economics and international affairs, Lerner-Lam has also developed related curricula on sustainability management and sustainable investing suited for intensive executive-education certificate programs.