
When you make an equity investment (also known as stocks and shares), you are buying ownership of a share in a particular company. Equity investments can offer attractive return potential but are often associated with a greater level of risk compared to other investments such as bonds. Many individual investors choose to make their equity investments via a fund, for which a manager will have selected a collection of what they think are the best companies to own, diversifying your investment and spreading the risk.


Our Approach

Diverse Range

Our range of actively managed equity funds span single and multiple geographies, sectors and investment styles.

Icon with a grid of green and white dots inside a circle
High Conviction

Our investment teams are given the freedom to invest with conviction, selecting what they believe to be the best opportunities in their respective markets.


We currently manage over $264 Bil.* in active equity assets for a broad spectrum of clients worldwide. The investment teams that guide our equity strategies have the industry experience, skills and judgment to navigate shifting market environments with confidence.
*As of 30 June 2024


Our Range of Equity Funds

Global Equities

We offer a range of long-term global equity strategies for investors with a minimum investment time horizon of 5-10 years. Our portfolios range from concentrated, meaning they comprise of investment in a small select number of companies, to diversified portfolios containing shares in a greater number of companies. Primarily large capitalisation companies are chosen for investment and, depending on the investment remit of the strategy, stocks are selected based on theme, sector or style.

Emerging Market Equities

Our range includes strategies covering global emerging markets as well as individual regional exposure to opportunities in Asia ex Japan, China and India. Portfolios cater to a range of risk appetites, including investment in higher risk companies through to investment approaches designed to mitigate some of the volatility risk associated with emerging market equities investing.

Developed Market Equities

Our range of long-term strategies are focused on identifying the best opportunities through regional exposure to US, Europe and Japan. Portfolios range from concentrated to diversified and our US strategies include portfolios investing in small to medium sized companies through to large capitalisation companies. Depending on the investment remit, stocks are selected based on theme, sector or style.


The investment teams that guide our equity strategies have the industry experience, skills and judgment to navigate shifting market environments with confidence.

Portfolio Managers
26 Average Years Experience
Research Analysts
16 Average Years Experience
21 Average Years Experience

As of 30 June 2024

If you are unsure of the suitability of any investment, please consult a financial adviser. AllianceBernstein is not authorised to provide investment advice. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than originally invested.