14 Years at AB|23 Years of Experience
Andrew Birse was appointed Chief Investment Officer of European Value Equities in November 2022 after serving as portfolio manager of European Value Equities since March 2016. He has also served as Chief Investment Officer of International Small Cap Equities since 2021 and has managed the International Small Cap and European Small Cap Equities services since inception in 2014 and 2017, respectively. Prior to joining the firm as a research analyst in 2010, Birse spent seven years in the Corporate Finance Group at McKinsey & Company, working in the firm's London, Sydney and Auckland offices. He holds a BCom (honors) in finance and a BA in history and economics from the University of Auckland, and an MSc in economics and philosophy from the London School of Economics. Location: New Zealand
Investors in European bank shares have been rattled by recent turmoil in the sector. But many banks are in much better shape than widely perceived.
Andrew Birse, Jane Bleeg | 21 April 2023A closer look at sector and industry performance in European stock markets can help guide investors through these uncertain times.
Andrew Birse | 22 March 2022In business as in life, a healthy sense of self-awareness is often the first step to meaningful change. Companies that are conscious of their flaws and eager to address the root problems offer a source of solid return potential for equity investors who identify the turnaround stories early.
Andrew Birse | 05 October 2021European stocks have lagged developed market peers. But selective equity investors can find promising potential in undervalued companies that are poised to recover in a post-pandemic world.
Andrew Birse | 19 March 2021European equity markets are still struggling to overcome the effects of the pandemic. But diligent investors can find surprising investment candidates.
Andrew Birse | 06 October 2020How can you know how well a company is dealing with ESG challenges? Integrating ESG issues in fundamental research adds insight on sustainability performance.
Andrew Birse | 10 March 2020Andrew Birse introduces the AB European Equity strategy and the team's unique investment approach to identifying and selecting undervalued companies within European equity markets.
Andrew Birse | 02 June 2019Andrew Birse looks at the outlook for European equity markets in 2019 and explains how the portfolio is positioned to deliver long-term investment returns for investors against a backdrop of increased volatility in equity markets.
Andrew Birse | 02 June 2019One of the key advantages I believe we bring to the European equity market is our globally integrated research footprint. That allows us to research European stocks from a global angle and in some instances allows us to find research answers that are very different than what a regionally oriented person might be able to cover.
Andrew Birse | 28 May 2019Investors often ask how it's possible to allocate capital to European stocks given the political risks that abound. We think the answer is to combine disciplined stock picking with risk-management tools that look for unintended threats to a portfolio.
Andrew Birse | 07 May 2019With Brexit headlines dominating the European news, equity investors face an ongoing challenge. Building resilient portfolios requires a clear view of the long-term outlook for European companies that also reflects major short-term political uncertainties.
Andrew Birse | 16 January 2019With so much politically driven volatility in Europe, it's easy to lose sight of what's really happening in the markets. Investors in European stock markets should watch three big themes that we think will shape the environment next year.
Andrew Birse | 10 December 2018Tawhid Ali and Andrew Birse, who manage European equity portfolios at AllianceBernstein, explain why a private equity approach to public equity markets can help create a portfolio that can deliver strong returns over the long-term, no matter how tough the market environment may get.
Andrew Birse | 25 September 2018European companies often see engaged equity investors as the enemy. But there's a new breed of activist investors who aren't aggressive and share the same long-term interests as management. Let's work together toward the best outcome for all stakeholders.
Andrew Birse | 23 July 2018Investors in European stocks are facing multiple sources of risk. Applying the mindset of strategic business owners can help tune out the noise and sharpen investor' focus on more resilient sources of return potential.
Andrew Birse | 27 April 2017With political uncertainty spreading across Europe, equity investors are feeling anxious. By focusing on companies that aren't really exposed to regional instability, we think investors can discover resilient sources of return potential.
Andrew Birse | 24 February 2017This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. Société à responsabilité limitée, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 34 305, 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg. Authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of investments in any of the Funds can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
This information is directed at Professional Clients only and is not intended for public use.