18 anni in AB|40 anni di esperienza
Scott Tatum is the Director of the AB Advisor Institute, where he delivers consulting and training to financial advisors at AB’s partner firms, specifically in the areas of client acquisition, client communication and team management strategies. His goal is to help advisors, teams and managers be more effective in their roles. Tatum joined AB in 2008. His professional experience in the investment industry began in 1985 and includes sales and sales leadership positions. Tatum has held positions with OppenheimerFunds, HD Vest and MFS Investment Management, where he was a regional vice president. He holds a BBA (cum laude) in marketing from the University of North Texas. In addition to being a Certified Financial Planner® professional and a Certified Investment Management Analyst®, Tatum carries NASD Series 7, 24, 53 and 63 licenses. Location: Dallas
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