13 anni in AB|34 anni di esperienza
Jeff Skoglund is Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Investments. He is responsible for driving strategic planning, organizational effectiveness and operational excellence. Skoglund was previously COO of Fixed Income and was responsible for business strategy, innovation and technology, and talent management. Earlier in his career at AB, he was director of Credit Research and a portfolio manager for high-yield bond strategies. Prior to joining AB, Skoglund was a managing director at UBS Investment Bank, where he held numerous management positions, including global head of credit research and head of US credit desk analysts. He was an acclaimed high-yield analyst at UBS, Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse, ranked #1 by Institutional Investor in automotive/auto parts six years in a row. Earlier in his career, Skoglund was an equity analyst and investment banker at Lehman Brothers and worked at Morgan Stanley in equity derivatives. He holds a BS in finance from Miami University, Ohio, and an MBA from the University of Michigan. Skoglund is a CFA charterholder. Location: Nashville
Con l'arrivo della scienza dei dati, i gestori obbligazionari devono adattare i processi per sfruttare al meglio nuove tecnologie e risorse umane.
Andrew Chin, Jeff Skoglund | 24 ottobre 2023Questa è una comunicazione di marketing. Le presenti informazioni sono fornite da AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. Société à responsabilité limitée, R.C.S. Lussemburgo B 34 305, 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Lussemburgo. Autorizzata in Lussemburgo e regolamentata dalla Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Vengono fornite unicamente a scopo informativo e non rappresentano una consulenza d’investimento né un invito all’acquisto di titoli o altri investimenti. I giudizi e le opinioni espressi sono basati sulle nostre previsioni interne e non vanno intesi come indicazioni della futura performance dei mercati. Il valore degli investimenti in qualsiasi fondo può diminuire o aumentare e un investitore può anche non riottenere l’intera somma investita. La performance passata non costituisce garanzia di risultati futuri.