14 anni in AB|20 anni di esperienza
Eugene Smit is a Portfolio Analyst and Manager on the AB Hedge Fund Solutions (HFS) team within Multi-Asset. In this role, he conducts research on alpha and portfolio construction, and builds systems for portfolio management and monitoring. Smit has been the primary quantitative analyst for Merger Arbitrage and a member of the portfolio management team since its inception in 2018. Prior to that, he worked on the Equity Factor team, managing multiple global mandates. Smit joined AB as a member of the Technology Group in 2010, responsible for supporting equity quantitative research and the firm’s Investment Risk Oversight Group. He joined Multi-Asset in 2013 as the lead technologist supporting the Equity Factor team. Smit transitioned to quant research and portfolio management shortly thereafter. Prior to joining AB, he ran an e-learning start-up. Smit holds a BS in business from the University of Cape Town and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
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