3 anni in AB|23 anni di esperienza
Dmytro Mukhin is a North America Senior Insurance Strategist in the Global Business Development Group. In this role, he partners with insurance companies and AB's investment and insurance accounting teams to evaluate strategic asset allocations, peer comparisons, risk/stress scenario tests and capital efficiency to help insurance clients think about optimal portfolio structure and implementation. Prior to joining AB in 2022, Mukhin was a member of the Global Insurance Solutions Strategy & Analytics group at J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) for seven years. Before JPMAM, he was head of Annuity ALM at Voya Financial. Mukhin's career track also includes two other asset management companies, both in Boston: Wellington Management, where he was a vice president and fixed-income quantitative analyst, and Standish Mellon Asset Management, where he focused on investment strategy and risk analysis for insurers and other liability-conscious clients. Prior to that, Mukhin was a senior actuarial associate at MetLife. He started his professional career at Conseco Services. Mukhin holds a PhD in mathematical economics from Purdue University. He is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
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