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Will the Future Be More Volatile for Equity Investors?

07 October 2022
3 min read
Kent Hargis, PhD| Chief Investment Officer—Strategic Core Equities; Portfolio Manager—Global Low Carbon Strategy
Sammy Suzuki, CFA| Head—Emerging Markets Equities
Equity Markets Have Been Relatively Calm in Recent Years
Bar chart compares the historical frequency of down markets in the MSCI World, based on rolling 12-month returns, over the last decade and the previous 26 years.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. 
*Since MSCI World inception on April 1, 1986, to August 31, 2012
As of August 31, 2022
Source: MSCI and AllianceBernstein (AB)

It’s hard to remember just how calm the last decade has been on equity markets. But from a historical perspective, that period looks like an anomaly. If volatility becomes more common in the future, strategies that help reduce downside risk should become integral to equity allocations.

Investors are still stunned by the scale of this year’s downturn. To some extent, the pain has been magnified by the relative calm of the past decade. Even considering the sharp but brief COVID-induced crash in early 2020, global equities were less volatile in the past decade than over the previous 26 years. Our research shows that the MSCI World Index was down only 19% of the time in the last 10 years, versus 27% of the time from 1986 through 2012 (Display, above).

Moderate gains were practically a mirror image of that. About 27% of the time, equities were up by as much as 10% over the past decade—a historically strong run. Big rallies—with gains exceeding 10%—were seen at a similar frequency over the last decade and the longer term.

Nobody knows what the future holds. But given severe macroeconomic and geopolitical stress as well as less support from central banks, it doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to see more volatility in the next 10 years than in the recent past—in line with longer-term trends.

How to Prepare for More Frequent Downturns

Volatility shouldn’t scare investors away from equities. Instead, allocate strategically to dampen the downside. We believe high-quality stocks with stable trading patterns and attractive prices can help investors capture equity potential while navigating more turbulent market conditions ahead. An active approach focused on quality, stability and price (QSP) is especially important when investors are fleeing to safer pockets of the market and pushing up prices of defensive stocks.

Our QSP universe of global stocks delivered returns of 2.0% on average in falling markets over the last decade, when the MSCI World fell by 5.6% on average (Display, below). In modestly rising market environments, QSP stocks advanced by 10.5%—more than double the broader market.

In a Volatile World, the Pattern of Returns Matters More
Bar chart compares returns of defensive equity strategies focused on quality, stability and price, and the MSCI World, in three different market environments: declines, moderate gains and strong gains.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. 
QSP returns are for the quintile of stocks with highest Strategic Core Edge. Strategic Core Edge is the expected return from a proprietary model combining a number of quality, stability and price factors, with a ratio of approximately one-third each quality, stability and price component.
As of August 31, 2022
Source: MSCI and AB

Don’t Fixate on Relative Returns

What’s the catch? When markets rose by 10% or more, QSP stocks underperformed by 1.5 percentage points. So investors must get comfortable with sacrificing some return in very strong markets—less upside capture. The good news is that a strategy that loses less than the market in downturns can beat the market over time even if it doesn’t capture all of the market’s rallies.

Embracing this type of strategy requires a mindset shift that doesn’t fixate on relative returns quarter after quarter. Knowing that the defensive stocks in a portfolio are well positioned for hard knocks can help investors stay invested in equities to capture vital return potential for meeting long-term financial goals.

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About the Authors

Kent Hargis is the Chief Investment Officer of Strategic Core Equities. He created the Strategic Core platform and has been managing the Global, International and US Strategic Core portfolios since their inception in 2011. Hargis has also been Portfolio Manager for the Global Low Carbon Strategy Portfolio since 2022. Previously, he managed the Emerging Portfolio from 2015 through 2023. Hargis was global head of quantitative research for Equities from 2009 through 2014, with responsibility for directing research and the application of risk and return models across the firm’s equity portfolios. He joined AB in 2003 as a senior quantitative strategist. Prior to that, Hargis was chief portfolio strategist for global emerging markets at Goldman Sachs. From 1995 through 1998, he was assistant professor of international finance in the graduate program at the University of South Carolina, where he published extensively on various international investment topics. Hargis holds a PhD in economics from the University of Illinois, where his research focused on international finance, econometrics and emerging financial markets. Location: New York

Sammy Suzuki is Head of Emerging Markets Equities, responsible for overseeing AB’s emerging-markets equity business and instrumental in the formation and shaping of AB’s Emerging Markets Equity platform. He was also a key architect of the Strategic Core platform and has managed the Emerging Markets Portfolio since its inception in 2012, and the Global, International and US portfolios from 2015 to 2023. Suzuki has managed portfolios since 2004. From 2010 to 2012, he also held the role of director of Fundamental Value Research, where he managed 50 fundamental analysts globally. Prior to managing portfolios, Suzuki spent a decade as a research analyst. He joined AB in 1994 as a research associate, first covering the capital equipment industry, followed by the technology and global automotive industries. Before joining the firm, Suzuki was a consultant at Bain & Company. He holds both a BSE (magna cum laude)  in materials engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and a BS (magna cum laude) in finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Suzuki is a CFA charterholder and was previously a member of the Board of the CFA Society New York. He currently serves on the Board of the Association of Asian American Investment Managers. Location: New York