Past performance, historical and current analyses, and expectations do not guarantee future results.
Past performance and current analysis do not guarantee future results.
Source: AllianceBernstein (AB)
Past performance, historical and current analyses, and expectations do not guarantee future results.
Note to All Readers: This document has been approved by AllianceBernstein Limited, an affiliate of AllianceBernstein L.P. The information contained here reflects the views of AllianceBernstein L.P. or its affiliates and sources it believes are reliable as of the date of this publication. AllianceBernstein L.P. makes no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of any data. There is no guarantee that any projection, forecast or opinion in this material will be realized. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The views expressed here may change at any time after the date of this publication. This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. AllianceBernstein L.P. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. It does not take an investor’s personal investment objectives or financial situation into account; investors should discuss their individual circumstances with appropriate professionals before making any decisions. This information should not be construed as sales or marketing material or an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument, product or service sponsored by AB or its affiliates.
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Avi Lavi was appointed Chief Investment Officer of Global and International Value Equities in March 2016 and has also been Portfolio Manager for Global Research Insights since May 2016. He has been a member of the Cross Border team since early 2012. Previously, Lavi served as co-CIO of Global Value Equities (since July 2014) and global director of Value Research (since early 2012). From 2006 to 2012, he was CIO of UK and European Value Equities, and director of research for UK and European Value Equities from 2000 to 2006, during which time he helped establish AB’s first research operation based outside the US. Lavi joined the firm in 1996 as a research associate for utilities and expanded his coverage in 1998 to include oil and gas, covering these industries on a global basis. He subsequently became a senior analyst and sector leader for energy research. Lavi was previously an assistant controller at the State of Israel Economic Offices in New York. Prior to that, he was an accountant with Kesselman & Kesselman, PwC’s Israeli affiliate. Lavi holds a BA in accounting and economics from Bar-Ilan University in Israel and an MBA from New York University. Location: London
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02 February 2024This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein Limited, 60 London Wall, London, EC2M 5SJ. Registered in England, No. 2551144. AllianceBernstein Limited is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA - Reference Number 147956). It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of investments in any of the Funds can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This information is directed at Professional Clients only and is not intended for public use.