Profitability Ratio Points to Quality Businesses
While this calculation might seem technical, it’s actually a very important indicator of business quality. That’s because companies that are expected to consistently show a profitability ratio well above 1.0 are often running their businesses in a way that delivers sustainable profits on their assets.
Economic theory suggests that in perfectly competitive markets profitability ratios would get reduced to 1.0. In other words, increased competition would reduce a company’s competitive advantages, and subsequently, its returns. In fact, real-world data confirm this is true. Our research indicates that the median profitability ratio over a very large sample of US companies from 1982 to 2024 was approximately 1.0 (Display, above).
Fundamental Research Can Identify Persistent Growth
Some firms do much better than that. Higher sustainable profitability ratios typically increase the value of the business for shareholders. Of course, many factors can influence stock prices over the near to medium term, even if a company has an attractive profit ratio. Still, we believe equity markets are inherently forward-looking, and always judge firms’ long-term profitability ratios. So even if short-term volatility pushes a stock off course, we think the shares of companies with higher profitability ratios will ultimately overcome market shocks and deliver long-term stock price returns aligned with their high-quality profits.
Judging the sustainability of profitability ratios is not simply a mathematical exercise. Deep fundamental research, based on company and industry expertise, is the key to understanding whether a company’s business can support persistently high profitability. Competitive advantages, pricing power, innovation and management skill all play a role in determining the underlying resilience of a business.
Watch Out for Extremes and Mean Reversion
Even with a good grasp of profitability ratios, investors must avoid some common pitfalls. First, beware of mistaking a bad business for a good one. This may happen when investors chase hot trends without examining a company’s economic profitability.
Second, watch out for extremely high profitability ratios. Today, large-cap equity indices are highly concentrated in firms with exceptionally high profitability ratios—and not all will stand the test of time. Investors shouldn’t be seduced by suspiciously high profitability ratios; scrutinize the business fundamentals to evaluate whether this profitability is sustainable or at risk of mean reversion.
In hot and cold markets, we think active investors must search for profitable companies backed by quality businesses across sectors and industries. Staying focused on these attributes while being guided by economic profits and profitability ratios is a great recipe for capturing the equity return potential of companies with truly persistent growth power to weather dynamic market conditions.