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Showing 1-13 of 23 Results

Commercial Real Estate: The Lure of Late-Cycle Lending

Investors who paint commercial real estate with a broad brush may be missing out, particularly at this point in the cycle.

Clark Coffee, Peter Gordon | 22 February 2024
The eye-catching figure of a black, white and orange King Penguin stands out in a crowd of brown chicks.
Why High Yield Belongs in Your Investment-Grade Income Portfolio

Many investors limit their mandates to credits rated BBB or higher. But they could tap high-quality high yield—without adding to overall risk.

Fahd Malik, Will Smith, Gershon Distenfeld | 02 February 2024
Will Hawks Still Rule the Roost at Europe’s Central Banks?

As European inflation rates converge with targets, markets expect rate cuts. But central banks are set on a decisive victory over inflation.

Sandra Rhouma | 17 January 2024
Beach setting with waves rolling in.
Corporate Credit Outlook 2024: High Tide for Yield?

Weakening economic fundamentals shouldn’t scare away corporate bond investors in 2024—provided they keep a close eye on credit quality.

Will Smith, Robert Hopper, Tiffanie Wong | 12 January 2024
Close up of a lioness, in profile and mid-roar.
Fixed-Income Outlook 2024: Bonds Roar Back

The tide has turned for bonds. Here’s what we think is in store for 2024.

Scott DiMaggio | 02 January 2024
In a stiff breeze, sailors guide their yacht through a heavy sea.
European Fixed-Income Outlook: Fair Winds for 2024

Policy easing should help euro and UK sovereign bonds, while fundamental, technical and valuation factors are all supportive for euro credit markets.

John Taylor, Jamie Harding | 01 December 2023
An eagle soars over mountain peaks at sunset.
Opportunity Knocks: Investing in Dislocation

Tight lending standards and rising yields, along with concern about an approaching turn in the business cycle, have put opportunistic credit in the spotlight. But what, exactly, does opportunistic credit mean ? Here’s how we look at it—and what we think it may offer investors.

John Withrow, Brian Resnick | 17 October 2023
Viewed from above, a bright pink canoe paddles through emerald water, surrounded by black-wet-suited swim-race competitors.
Persistent Anomaly? High Yields on Short Bonds

With yield curves still inverted, a short-dated high-yield strategy continues to make sense for return-seeking investors with a defensive mindset.

Will Smith, Robert Schwartz | 03 October 2023
In the distance, two figures take in the view from a high mountain ridge as clouds move in beneath them.
Fixed-Income Outlook: The View from Higher Elevations

Good news for bond investors: yields are likely to stay higher for longer. We share strategies for making the most of this environment.

Gershon Distenfeld, Scott DiMaggio | 02 October 2023
Inflation Is Coming Down. Will Treasury Yields Be Next?

The 10-year Treasury yield has climbed steadily over the past two years. But we believe fixed-income investors should be prepared for lower yields ahead.

Matthew Sheridan, Monika Carlson | 12 September 2023
The muscular torso, head, and arms of a statuary Atlas support the entablature of a stone building.
Under Pressure? High Yield Can Hold Up (Your Income Portfolio)

Do high-yield bonds still make sense for income investors at this stage of the credit cycle? We think so.

Matthew Sheridan, Gershon Distenfeld, Scott DiMaggio | 08 August 2023
Looking at the sky, we see a tall, healthy green tree surrounded by the walls of a mirrored skyscrapers in a city center.
The Case for Corporate Credit

Solid fundamentals, decent valuations and attractive income potential make a case for continued exposure to corporate credit even in an uncertain economic environment.

Will Smith, Tiffanie Wong | 28 July 2023
Woman performs an aerial surfing trick. She appears to be hanging mid-air over a wave.
Fixed-Income Midyear Outlook: Surfing Lessons

Surf's up! Elevated yields and negative correlations are good news for bond investors. We share strategies for making the most of today's opportunities.

Gershon Distenfeld, Scott DiMaggio | 03 July 2023