11 Years at AB|25 Years of Experience
Dev Chakrabarti is a Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer for Concentrated Global Growth. Prior to joining AB in December 2013, he was a portfolio manager/analyst on the global equity research and portfolio-management team at WPS Advisors. Chakrabarti joined W.P. Stewart in 2005 as a member of the European equity research and portfolio-management team and moved to New York in 2008 to focus on global portfolios. Earlier in his career, he worked as an M&A analyst at Merrill Lynch, a financial analyst at Unilever and an equity analyst at J.P. Morgan Securities, where he specialized in European technology stocks. Chakrabarti holds a BSc (Hons) in economics from the University of Bristol and an MSc in finance from London Business School. Location: London
How can global equity investors incorporate the impact of tariffs into fundamental analysis of companies?
Dev Chakrabarti, Cem Inal | 21 May 2024Earnings haven’t been consistently rewarded in equity markets recently. That could change faster than you think.
Dev Chakrabarti, James T. Tierney | 12 February 2024Deforestation is a global sustainability challenge, with broad ramifications for businesses and equity investors.
Dev Chakrabarti, Sara Rosner | 11 September 2023Here’s what we learned in earnings season about how companies are coping with a particularly tricky set of macroeconomic conditions.
Dev Chakrabarti, James T. Tierney | 16 May 2023Country-specific macroeconomic conditions shouldn’t determine global equity allocations. Look beyond a company’s domicile to find the most promising sources of long-term growth.
Dev Chakrabarti | 28 November 2022In a tougher economic environment, investors in growth stocks must identify companies with the right features to overcome headwinds to earnings.
Dev Chakrabarti, James T. Tierney | 11 May 2022Technology has been considered a long-term deflationary force in the economy. But things are changing.
Dev Chakrabarti, Michael Walker | 02 February 2022The evolving environment reinforces the strategic importance of identifying quality companies with clear advantages for tricky times.
Dev Chakrabarti | 26 January 2022As earnings season winds down, we’re gathering intelligence to identify companies that will have advantages sustaining quality earnings and margins amid rising prices.
Dev Chakrabarti, James MacGregor | 08 November 2021A wave of inflation is rolling through the economy. To be successful, companies must have pricing power in their business quiver.
Dev Chakrabarti, James T. Tierney | 03 October 2021US vacationers are out in force while the holiday scene remains subdued in Europe and Asia. How can equity investors capture the unfolding global mobility recovery?
James T. Tierney, Dev Chakrabarti, Jonathan Berkow | 06 August 2021Investors are reassessing which types of companies will thrive in the next stage of the recovery amid the recent rebound of value stocks. But we think the distinguishing performance factor will be a company’s ability to generate sustainable earnings, regardless of its style classification.
Dev Chakrabarti, James T. Tierney | 13 April 2021In a world of uncertainty, many investors choose to diversify, rather than investing in a concentrated strategy. But this year, a portfolio of just the five largest US stocks would have significantly outperformed. So, is there a way to reduce risk and to capture long-term growth in a concentrated portfolio?
Dev Chakrabarti | 19 August 2020Companies that have their own engines to drive sustainable growth over the next three to five years can provide equity investors with a winning recipe for returns.
Dev Chakrabarti | 04 March 2020Finding high-quality companies is an essential component of many equity strategies. But with revolutionary forces sweeping through key industries, what really defines quality stocks? Investors must think proactively about how to identify quality in a changing world.
James T. Tierney, Dev Chakrabarti | 20 February 2018This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein Limited, 60 London Wall, London, EC2M 5SJ. Registered in England, No. 2551144. AllianceBernstein Limited is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA - Reference Number 147956). It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of investments in any of the Funds can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This information is directed at Professional Clients only and is not intended for public use.