10 années chez AB|30 années d'expérience
David Wong is a Senior Investment Strategist and Head of Asia Business Development for Equities. He joined AB in March 2015, bringing two decades of experience in global equity markets to the firm. Prior to joining AB, Wong was a partner at Janchor Partners, a Hong Kong-based long/short equity hedge fund with US$2 billion in assets under management (AUM). Before that, he had set up the Hong Kong office for GMT Capital, an Atlanta-based long/short equity hedge fund with $5 billion in AUM, where he served as portfolio manager and head of Asian investments. Over Wong's eight years at the two hedge funds, he was responsible for global investments in technology stocks, and also served as a generalist portfolio manager for the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan. He was also the founder and managing director of Mobile Adventures, a pan-Asian wireless content company. Wong started his career as an equity research analyst at Bankers Trust and Deutsche Bank; at Deutsche, he managed a team of five associates as the firm's regional semiconductor analyst. He holds a BA in political science from Yale University. Location: Singapore
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