7 Years at AB|7 Years of Experience
Ewa Przybylko is a Research Analyst focused on Healthcare stocks for US Growth Equities and the Global Healthcare Strategy. Prior to joining the team in 2022, she was a generalist research associate for the US Small and SMID Cap Growth Equity portfolios and completed AB's Equity Rotational Associate Program. Przybylko holds a BS in operations research and engineering from Cornell University.
Questions are being asked about the US managed care industry, but some businesses are equipped to rise to the challenge.
Ewa Przybylko, Vinay Thapar | 15 May 2024This is a marketing communication. This information is provided by AllianceBernstein Schweiz AG, Zürich, a company registered in Switzerland under company number CHE-306.220.501. AllianceBernstein Schweiz AG is a financial service provider within the meaning of the Financial Services Act (FinSA) which is not subject to any prudential supervision in Switzerland. Further information on the company, its services and products, in accordance with Art. 8 FinSA can be found on the Important Disclosures page at www.alliancebernstein.com. It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to purchase any security or other investment nor is it a recommendation to subscribe to a financial service. The views and opinions expressed are based on our internal forecasts and should not be relied upon as an indication of future market performance. The value of an investment can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount they invested. Capital is at risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
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