The US National Debt: Debt or Alive?

07 October 2024
3 min read


The US debt is near its highest level in history and on track to grow. Neither political party currently seems intent on making it more sustainable. What risks does that present for the US economy and for investors? How can the debt issue be solved and what does that mean for investment portfolios?

$27 Trillion
Total US national debt—nearly 100% of GDP
$1.1 Trillion
Current US debt-servicing cost
$5.6 Trillion
Projected US debt-servicing cost by 2054
Eric Winograd| Director—Developed Market Economic Research
Chris Brigham, CFA| Senior Research Associate

Executive Summary

  •  The national debt has reemerged as a major market concern. While the trajectory has appeared unsustainable for quite some time, higher interest rates and a rising interest burden have brought it to the fore, prompting questions of whether it will precipitate a crisis in the medium term.
  • We recognize the risks to the economy and the market but are not alarmists. We believe there are still solutions and time to address the underlying issues surrounding the national debt.
  • We foresee a combination of factors putting the debt on a sustainable path—a mix of productivity growth, moderate inflation, spending cuts, and tax hikes should be enough to avoid a major crisis.
  • Yet it may still require a mini-crisis in the bond markets—similar to the early 1990s in the US or 2022 in the UK—to spur Congress into action.
  • Because the US issues its own currency, it does not face the same budgetary constraints as a household or firm would. However, it is still hemmed in by inflation and potential political repercussions.
  • The US enjoys an “exorbitant privilege” as the global reserve currency and preferred destination for international savings. This gives its policymakers more flexibility than other countries would have when it comes to managing debt.

“The federal government is on an unsustainable long-term fiscal path that poses serious economic, national security, and social challenges if not addressed. And the longer we wait to act, the more dire the consequences will be on the economy and the public.”

—Government Accountability Office (GAO), a nonpartisan federal agency that serves as the country’s chief auditor, February 2024

We agree with the GAO. But while yellow warning lights may be flashing, alarms are not sounding … yet. We have concerns and see the market risks but believe there are still solutions and time to address the underlying issues.

Why are people increasingly worried about the national debt?1 To be fair, they’ve always been worried. When the National Debt Clock was installed in New York City in 1989, it had surged from 25% of GDP to 40% over the previous decade and totaled a mere $2.7 trillion. Today, a US debt figure that low would barely register. What’s more, at $27 trillion, the national debt has spiked since the global financial crisis, rising from 35% of GDP to almost 100%. And according to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the debt-to-GDP ratio is set to continue growing from here, reaching 166% in 2054 (Display 1).2

1 Throughout this paper, when we talk about the national debt, we will generally be discussing the amount held by the public, as opposed to that held by government entities. Since interest payments from the government to itself effectively pass money from the right hand to the left, they’re less important to debt sustainability.
2 While we show specific paths the debt can take from here, the future remains highly uncertain when looking decades ahead. It would perhaps be more accurate to show simulations with many different trials, each taking a different path and fanning out, similar to what we show in our long-term capital markets projections and wealth forecasts. Bloomberg Economics did something along those lines earlier this year, showing the debt to be unsustainable in 88% of simulations (though we’d take some issue with its definition of sustainability). However, our goal in this paper is to talk about the workability of specific solutions, thus we take more of a scenario analysis approach in this paper rather than a simulation approach, while recognizing the inherent uncertainty in long-term forecasts.

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About the Authors

Eric Winograd is a Senior Vice President and Director of Developed Market Economic Research. He joined the firm in 2017. From 2010 to 2016, Winograd was the senior economist at MKP Capital Management, a US-based diversified alternatives manager. From 2008 to 2010, he was the senior macro strategist at HSBC North America. Earlier in his career, Winograd worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the World Bank. He holds a BA (cum laude) in Asian studies from Dartmouth College and an MA in international studies from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Location: New York

Chris Brigham is a Private Client Senior Research Associate at Bernstein. He joined Bernstein in 2018 as a member of the US Portfolio Strategy team. Prior to Bernstein, he worked in finance and strategy for EpiBone, a biotechnology startup. He has previously worked as a research analyst at Longview Asset Management and Tiresias Capital (Omni Partners) and as an event-driven analyst and trader at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Chris earned his MBA from Columbia Business School, where he completed the Value Investing Program, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BA in Economics from Claremont McKenna College. He completed the General Course at the London School of Economics and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York