Expert Investment Design
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Expert Investment Design

  • Glide path and asset-allocation management tailored to plan and participant needs
  • More than 27 custom clients globally*
  • Differentiated research on target-date design and lifetime income
Participant Communications
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Retired woman on a beach looking at her iPad.

Participant Communications

  • A specialized team that offers thoughtful investment communication support to the plan’s participants at the time of implementation and beyond
  • Access to robust retirement education and financial wellness curricula for clients to use as their own
Open Flexible Architecture
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Architecture pattern of glass panes with steel bars bending across the image.

Open Flexible Architecture

  • Open architecture platform that seamlessly supports customization and sponsor’s evolving needs, including the flexibility to integrate with your other providers
  • Rebalancing, trading and operational support:
  • Dedicated professionals for custom operations and technology
  • Automated systems supporting custom defined contribution portfolios
Support for Plan Sponsors
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Professional younger woman wearing a navy top in an office with windows in the background, looking to the left with her arms folded.

Support for Plan Sponsors

  • During implementation and beyond, an AB client service officer (CSO) serves as the single point of contact for plan sponsors  and their service partners
  • The CSO is there every step of the way to offer ongoing support, oversight and overall coordination with AB’s  investment, operations, participant communications and legal teams
  • We proactively engage with you to ensure you receive timely, accurate and proactive investment information