Buying a Bond: Analog Edition

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Buying a Bond: Digital Edition

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Analysts provide quantitative research and qualitative fundamental research.
A series of screens filter the fixed-income universe for bonds that meet certain parameters.
Portfolio managers go back and forth with analysts to determine if specific bonds are a good investment or not. The process can take hours or even days.
The portfolio manager (PM) chooses the bonds he or she wants to buy and his or her team will manually build the order.
A trader calls several different brokers to see if the bonds the PM wants to buy are available in sufficient quantity and at an acceptable price.
More discussions between analysts, traders and PMs can delay the trade even further or scrap it altogether.
A credit rating and scoring system.
Quantitative assessment tools are used alongside fundamental and liquidity analysis tools.
A dashboard that aggregates multiple external fixed-income trading platforms in one place.
Fundamental Research Prism
Quant Research
Liquidity Analysis (ALFA)
Fundamental analysts give quantitative ratings across several different parameters that anyone on the investment team can easily access and compare. The entire investment team can also access a dashboard with multiple feeds of liquidity information.
Abbie: A virtual assistant that can do everything from building trades to suggesting potential investments.
The PM does the higher-order thinking that humans do best. He or she reviews the list of bonds, considers the overall composition of the portfolio, long-term trends and other factors, and chooses the most attractive options.
Once a PM makes his or her determinations, Abbie can build the order in seconds, without the fat-thumb errors even the most diligent human makes every so often.

Abbie finds bonds that meet specific parameters

See how abbie works

Abbie finds bonds that meet specific parameters