Investor Alert


Please be alert when browsing websites, receiving telephone calls, and opening text messages or emails from people purporting to represent AllianceBernstein or third parties purporting to represent our interests.

We are aware of a number of scams and attempted frauds through phone calls and websites claiming to be from AllianceBernstein offering an investment/employment opportunity or offering to buy existing investment shares. In addition, price comparison websites, social media advertising and search optimisation are being used to attract potential victims. If you have any concerns, contact us using the details on our Contact Us page or visit our official website


Fake or cloned websites are becoming increasingly common.

These fraudulent websites and their content are not legitimate and have been created fraudulently using cloned authorized company details to convince unsuspecting consumers that they are genuine.

They may look like the real thing and may even have a web address that is very similar to the AllianceBernstein address. On closer inspection, however, the differences can be spotted, which is why it is so important to remain vigilant.

When accessing the AllianceBernstein website, please check the URL address to ensure it correctly identifies AllianceBernstein as The letters "https" will be displayed in front of the website address in the browser's navigation bar, and you can click on the padlock symbol to reveal our registration certificate, which has been issued by DigiCert, Inc., a leading provider of security solutions.

To protect our brand integrity and the interests of our investors, we regularly monitor websites that register and use similar URL addresses to ours.  Where we suspect fraudulent activity, we take appropriate steps to ensure the early detection and removal of these malicious websites.

We also recommend that you check the details provided by local regulatory authorities.  Many also provide useful advice as to what you need to look out for and how to check whether a company is authentic.



AllianceBernstein does not solicit individual investors directly, and we will never send you a subscription form for an investment offer.  Any investment advertisement issued by AllianceBernstein will direct clients to our website——to obtain more information.  We will not conduct any investment contracts online or by email.

Also watch out for unsolicited calls, emails or letters offering unusually profitable investment opportunities. Emails from fake domains may also be used to spread malicious content and should not be opened.  Exercise extra caution when it sounds too good to be true. The chances are that it probably is.

Social Media Scams:

Please be advised that fraudsters may also try and target you through messaging and social media services such as WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, Instagram and X. It is not AllianceBernstein’s practice to solicit or engage in business through these platforms. It should also be noted that AB does not currently transact in cryptocurrency or related products for clients.

If you have experienced any of the following, you may be involved in a scam:

  1. Contacted via a messaging service by someone claiming to be employed by AB about a “guaranteed” or “quick” investment opportunity;
  2. Instructed to download an investment/crypto application through social media to trade with AB; or
  3. Offered a job opportunity from someone representing AB and then asked to make a payment

These actions are not consistent with AB’s business model or practices. If you think you have been involved in one of these scams, we recommend that you report the unsolicited messages to the social media/messaging platform as soon as possible. If you have sent any funds, contact your bank immediately and report the matter to your local law enforcement and/or financial regulator as soon as possible.


If you think that you have been contacted by someone claiming to be from AllianceBernstein and you suspect fraudulent activity, we recommend that you take the following steps:

Stop: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

Challenge: Could it be fake? It’s OK to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

Protect: Contact AllianceBernstein immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to us. Speak to your bank as soon as possible if you believe you have transferred money to a scam. Report the matter to your local law enforcement and/or financial regulator as soon as possible.

If you come across anything that causes concern, or if you have received an email claiming to be from us that you believe is not genuine, please email

How you can protectHow you can protect yourself:

  • Never provide personal details, including passwords or answers to your security questions, on the phone or in an email. We never make these types of requests or offers via telephone calls or emails and would never contact potential investors in this way. If you have any doubts over the identity of a person purporting to represent us, do not offer any personal information, end the call and contact us using the details on our Contact Us page.
  • Always seek independent financial advice and/or legal advice before proceeding with any investment. Never send funds to anyone you do not know.
  • You should not respond to anyone who calls you purporting to represent AllianceBernstein and attempting to sell you investment opportunities; simply hang up the phone.
  • Type in the web address from official correspondence instead of clicking on a link.
  • Genuine web addresses should begin with “https://www.”
  • When the site you are visiting is genuine, you should see a padlock symbol to the left-hand side of the address bar. This applies when reaching payment pages as well. The web address should begin with “https” and have the padlock symbol to the left of the address bar.
  • You can check if the firm is authorised by contacting your local financial regulator and/or your local anti-fraud advocacy group.

Please Note: AllianceBernstein will continue to pay attention to all improper use of the AB Group's brand, and take measures when necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the AB Group. Investors should also be vigilant against such intentional fraud and actively report it to local law enforcement authorities or seek other help when their own interests are infringed. If you deal with an unauthorised firm, you will have no protection if something goes wrong. In addition, AllianceBernstein is not responsible nor liable for reimbursing losses.